Music Conference Energiser 2019

If you want great ideas for a music conference energiser corporate event then you're in the right place.

Some of the companies that have experienced our corporate events

Music Conference Energiser 2019

Make sure your 2019 conference is remembered for all the RIGHT reasons!

Music Conference Energiser, conference energiser, team energisersThere is enough evidence around to show why a conference energiser is so important. Sometimes when we are trying to cram a massive amount of content into a tight schedule it is tempting to cut some aspects and ice breakers are often questioned.

But it’s been proven time and again that the conference energiser is a crucial feature in the day. Quality over quantity and optimum engagement are the key.

What is the benefit of cramming so much into a day that people glaze over and the speakers lose the attention of the room? As soon as that has happened the conference is failing.

Keeping the delegates engaged so that they absorb, understand and enjoy the content should be the main focus.

And that is where the conference energiser comes in. A strategically placed and well chosen energiser will……..well, er, energise the delegates. It snaps them out of their lethargy, wakes them up, re-engages them and puts them in a good frame of mind to learn more.

And we know from experience that a music conference energiser is the most effective method to achieve this. It is for this reason that we have been called upon to supply these music conference energisers to some of the best known companies in corporate ice breakers, boomwhacker, team building, conference energiserthe UK.

“I loved how different it was from anything we’ve done before or anything that’s available elsewhere. I liked working with your booking team on building the event and found the whole process really easy. You guys took any pressure away and delivered a fabulous event on the night.” Amy Moore – RSA Group

When a client brings us in to deliver a music conference energiser we tailor our session to fit perfectly into their plan. Our energisers and ice breakers can last from 20 minutes to two hours and we have the ability to burst into the room with minimal set up time and get the action going. We can also vacate the room after the event equally quickly so the disruption to the schedule is minimal.

These events have been enjoyed by big names such as:

  • Tiffany & Co.
  • KFC
  • Sainsbury’s
  • Boots
  • Asda
  • Ikea
  • RSA Group
  • Pfizer
  • Shell
  • Dairy Crest
  • GE Aviation
  • And many more…..

Our popular events for your conference energiser 2019 include:

The Rock and Roll Choir Experience

“It wasn’t just creating a choir, the energy and the way in which you engaged with the crowd was brilliant. Even on the toughest of days, you all managed to get most of them involved! I absolutely loved it every day! I only wish we had more than 45 mins!! Rebecca Nicholson – Retail Support Manager UK & Ireland -Tiffany & Co.

Our vocal coaches teach your delegates the harmonies for a famous rock song. We have scope to tailor the lyrics to your event and we have the pick of hundreds of songs so we can choose something relevant to your company or corporate message. Even the most reluctant singers get stuck in and enjoy the uplifting feeling when our expert facilitators have warmed them into it.

The Thriller Dance Experience

“I don’t want to lose the moment of praise so before I sign off for the weekend I wanted to say thank you. You took a last minute request in your stride and couldn’t have been more helpful. The event was a huge success and the team loved it and that was largely down to the choreographer and her lovely, bubbly personality – she is an asset to you and it wouldn’t have been the same without her. The team were a bit anxious to find out what they were doing but everyone embraced it and was surprised at how much they enjoy it. Overall a huge success and a great night had by all – thank you.” Hannah Eborall – Executive Assistant – LifeSearch

Our choreographers teach the moves to the iconic Michael Jackson dance routine. We have the option to include a zombie make over or just keep you looking like humans and enjoy the energy of the dance. Once again any reservations about the event soon dissolve and even the people with two left feet are surprised at how much they get into this and have a great time.

The Boomwhacker Experience

“The event was amazing, brilliant and faultless. We could not have had a better experience. Every colleague I’ve seen today has thanked me for organising it and I’m so pleased that we could do this. It was simply the best team building experience this staff team has had in the 9 years I’ve worked here. Brilliant – thank you.” Joe and all the staff at INPUT Pain Management – St Thomas’ Hospital

Using pitched percussion tubes, the boomwhacker experience shows the power of working together as we move through a fun rhythmic session which ends up as an orchestra performing a piece by Mozart. Nothing demonstrates how the sum is greater than the parts than working together to create a classical orchestra from a modest plastic tube.

If you want to book any of these events for your conference energiser 2018 then get in touch to discuss details.

Music Conference Energiser 2019

corporate ice breakers, boomwhacker, team building, conference energiser

Boomwhacker Conference Energisers

There boomwhacker team building and conference energisers are high energy, high fun and highly effective at unifying a group and getting them to work as one team.

rock school, team building, conference energiser

Rock Choir Team Building

The rock choir team building and conference energisers are the feel good, hilarious and high energy option that leave people buzzing and on a high having achieved something special as a team.

live band, corporate band, party band, Corporate Event Bands

Corporate Live Band Performances

Our band The Right Hook have wowed audiences at hundreds of events. Comprised of top pro musicians with a huge repertoire they ensure a full dance floor all night.

“It wasn’t just creating a choir, the energy and the way in which you engaged with the crowd was brilliant. Even on the toughest of days, you all managed to get most of them involved! I absolutely loved it every day! I only wish we had more than 45 mins!!”
Rebecca Nicholson
Retail Support Manager UK & Ireland -Tiffany & Co.
“The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! Everyone loved it – I even overheard one person telling someone it was the single best team event they’ve ever done. So thank you so much to you and the team for making it a great afternoon.”
Louise Scanlon

make your event next unique and memorable