Corporate Drumming Workshops

corporate drumming workshops

If you want great corporate drumming workshops then you're in the right place.

Some of the companies that have experienced our corporate events

Corporate Drumming Workshops

Corporate drumming workshops are hugely popular for good reason. They tick lots of boxes all at once.

  • The are fun
  • They are high energy
  • No-one feels uncomfortable
  • They tap into our primal instincts
  • They allow us to filter in key business messages
  • They show the sum is greater than the parts

“I can honestly say it was one of the best team events we’ve done. It’s a great model for showing how a team tackles an enormous challenge and comes together through the process while at the same time being incredible fun that can’t help but pull the teams closer together.” Sermet Baykaner – Unilever

It is for the reasons above that we love delivering corporate drumming workshops and sharing the magic of rhythm with work groups that may never have experienced it before.

The power of rhythms is effective no matter which rhythmic medium we use. It doesn’t matter what age, nationality, or physical ability a group has. Everyone can benefit from our corporate drumming workshops and enjoy the buzz of being part of the rhythm.

We achieve this with different percussive sessions with it’s our Samba drumming events, junk percussion events or boomwhacker rhythm sessions.

They all work as effectively as each other and they can all be used for any event. We provide these as short conference energisers as well as longer team building sessions. We deliver them to small groups of 10 and large conferences of 1,000 people.

Whatever your requirements we will tailor the corporate drumming workshops to your event so get in touch to discuss how we can bring your next corporate event to life.

Corporate Drumming Workshops

corporate ice breakers, boomwhacker, team building, conference energiser

Boomwhacker Conference Energisers

There boomwhacker team building and conference energisers are high energy, high fun and highly effective at unifying a group and getting them to work as one team.

rock school, team building, conference energiser

Rock Choir Team Building

The rock choir team building and conference energisers are the feel good, hilarious and high energy option that leave people buzzing and on a high having achieved something special as a team.

live band, corporate band, party band, Corporate Event Bands

Corporate Live Band Performances

Our band The Right Hook have wowed audiences at hundreds of events. Comprised of top pro musicians with a huge repertoire they ensure a full dance floor all night.

“It wasn’t just creating a choir, the energy and the way in which you engaged with the crowd was brilliant. Even on the toughest of days, you all managed to get most of them involved! I absolutely loved it every day! I only wish we had more than 45 mins!!”
Rebecca Nicholson
Retail Support Manager UK & Ireland -Tiffany & Co.
“The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! Everyone loved it – I even overheard one person telling someone it was the single best team event they’ve ever done. So thank you so much to you and the team for making it a great afternoon.”
Louise Scanlon

make your event next unique and memorable

NEW! Team building overview video

Our New Team building overview video has launched!

Many companies are looking for new team building ideas or different team building activities to get away from the old clichéd same old same old. That’s why Rock and Roll Experience have kicked off the summer with a new team building overview video to highlight our best events and help you decide what’s best for your company.

Rock & Roll Experience offer a range of different corporate team building music events to fit every team building need. These range from short ice breakers up to whole day team building sessions, from five people to five thousand and anything in building overview, team building ideas, team building activities, music team building

But for all of our team building events we aim to make a real difference to a team whilst having a great time using music and we are also happy to tailor an event to your company so that its even more unique.

All of our team building events are completely adaptable to meet any budget, any time frame, any location, any group size, and suitable for any person.

The teams are guided by professional musicians and expert facilitators to find solutions to challenges and to work together towards the common musical goal.

Check out our new team building overview video below which shows you the different events we offer and remember all our events are for any age group, any physical ability, any skill set and best of all no experience is necessary. In fact we prefer it that way because then everyone is really challenging themselves and being forced to succeed well out their comfort zone.

Browse the website or get in touch to find out more or book a session.


6 Essential steps to help working together in the workplace

 Working together at work is crucial

Here’s how to make it happen

Were put together 6 essential steps to help working together in the workplace and help make your office environment more harmonious. The concept of your employers working well together seems like an easy one, you all come to the same building, to work hard, to better yourselves professionally in order to earn more and progress in life; it sounds simple. However there are a few things that you can adhere to thus ensuring that the work journey for you and your staff is a successful one.

1. Respect Space

The first step to working together is ensuring that you respect one another’s space. If you are constantly stepping on your colleagues toes or being overbearing within the workplace you may find that the office harmony isn’t so great and that they don’t want to work with you. So always ask before entering a persons cubicle or office, be respectful and they will in turn do the same to you. It’s important that everyone feels like they have control of their work area.

2. Respect Time

The second step and also just as important as the first is respect people’s time. If you are allowed access to a colleagues work space try and refrain from discussing personal issues, unless they are also a friend and the conversation is not predominately work related. If not then stick to the point and be professional. Your colleague might be working to am important deadline and their time is just as valuable as yours.

3. Reward and Encourage

The third step to working well with your colleagues is to encourage those working with and around you to be as creative as possible. Also try to be appreciative of each other. Everyone is a valuable asset to the company and this appreciation will spur everyone to work harder for the same goal. So a pat on the back or a high five can really go a long way in ensuring everyone is working hard and feels good about themselves. As a manager or team leader you have greater control over rewarding those around you with bonuses or other perks, such as a day off, gym membership, or perhaps start a employer of the month system to help people achieve their work goals.

4. Take advantage of resources

Another good way to provide a positive atmosphere within the workplace is to ensure that all staff have access to training programmes that help workers become more efficient in their roles. More available resources make people feel more confident when doing their jobs and it gives them that extra support without having to constantly ask managers if they are stuck.

5. Be Supportive

Offering support in person to each person working with you or under you is something a lot of employers forget. It is important that the workplace maintains an open-door policy that encourages all staff to come to you with problems that they cannot resolve on their own. If you cannot help, you can direct that person toward the benefits or resources that can help them.

6. Arrange Fun Events

Finally, organise some team building activities for your company, as the rewards from high team effectiveness are well worth it. This is why team building activities really do help your business by enhancing employee relationships thus making your office environment a good one to work in.
If you are looking for a different team building event that will help your employees engage with each other and build a greater bond, then get in contact today for a chat or a no obligation quote.


Team Building Brochure 2017

Team Building brochure 2017 Launched!

Are you looking for new team building ideas or different team building activities? That’s why Rock and Roll Experience have kicked off 2017 with a new team building brochure to highlight our best events and help you decide what’s best for your company. Rock & Roll Experience offer a range of different corporate team building music events to fit every team building need. These range from short ice breakers up to whole day team building sessions, from five people to five thousand and anything in between.
team building brochure, music team building, team building ideasBut for all of our team building events we aim to make a real difference to a team whilst having a great time using music and we are also happy to tailor an event to your company so that its even more unique.

All of our team building events are completely adaptable to meet any budget, any time frame, any location, any group size, and suitable for any person.

The teams are guided by professional musicians and expert facilitators to find solutions to challenges and to work together towards the common musical goal.

See a list below of some of the events we offer with a guide to how many people and for what time frame they work best. Click on each event link to see the event details in full and watch the videos.

Or scroll down and click the big red button (you can’t miss it!) to see our team building brochure to get the over view and videos links for each event.

Team Build Events

Rock & Roll Experience
Timescale: 3 hours to 1 day
Group size: 5-55

Rock and Roll Choir
Timescale: 30 minutes to 1.5 hours
Group size: 5-1000+

Junk Percussion
Timescale: 30 minutes to 1.5 hours
Group size: 5-100+

Thriller Experience
Timescale: 30 minutes to 2.5 hours
Group size: 5-1000+

Make a Music Video
Timescale: 2 hours to 1 day
Group size: 5-60+

Boom Whackers
Timescale: 30 minutes to 1 hour
Group size: 5-100+

 team building, music team building, team building ideas, fun team building

Boomwhacker Team Building Icebreaker

Looking for a different conference icebreaker?

The boomwhacker event will energise your delegates

team building, confrence, energiser, away day, music, icebreaker , conference icebreakerOur boomwhacker event is very popular and people always respond very well to it. But for people that have never seen boomwhackers they often have no idea what on earth this icebreaker is all about.

Boomwhackers are colourful plastic tubes that are tuned to a certain note. You can hit them together or hit them against your hand and they create a percussive sound with a definite note.

Our icebreaker and energiser team building events use these tubes to get a group working together, listening to each other, creating together and enagaging with one another. It is a very accessible event and the emphasis is on fun.

Here are some common questions and answers to help you quickly understand.

What Happens?

Delegates are taken through fun rhythmic warm up games to get them working together. They must communicate visually and through music with one another to work as a cohesive group. We then learn patterns which lead to the melody of a well know tune. At the end we bring it all together to create the performance where they will be surprised at how good they sound. A boomwhacker orchestra has been created!

How long does it last?

This works best from around 30 minutes to one or two hours. It’s great as a high impact, short session that leaves the delegates energised and ready for the next part of the day, or to end the day after a more sedentary conference style session.

How many people can take part?

Groups from around five people up to hundreds can take part. It works very well with small groups and allows a more intimate approach but when we get to work with large groups it’s also fantastic as the end result is that much more powerful.

Do we need musical ability?

NO! This event works for any age group, any physical ability, and skill set and best of all no experience is necessary.

Visit our boomwhacker event page or get in touch to find out more or book a session.

Check out this video to get a feel for the boomwhcaker conference  energiser session.